Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oscar Nomination Snubs of 2011

Okay, so the Oscar nominations have just been announced, and for the most part, there were no huge surprises. Still, with every year there will be snubs... some expected and some that just piss me off. This year... there are some pretty massive snubs that I just have to address.

Christopher Nolan once again gets cheated out of a Best Director nomination!!!

- This is the biggest WTF in the Oscar list. Not only was Inception one of the most innovative, entertaining, and well directed movies of the year, Nolan has been consistently making one excellent film after the other, and the guy has not received one nomination! Honestly, he is one of the industry's most unique and creative filmmakers. Yet he has been overlooked by the Academy every time he makes a movie. What the Hell Academy???

TRON Legacy gets snubbed out of a Best Visual Effects nod... and a few others

- Just like I thought Christopher Nolan would be a shoe-in for a Best Director nod, I thought TRON Legacy would definitely get a nod for Best Visual FX. In the words of John Belushi... "BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Seriously, the first TRON (one of the greatest pioneers of cgi technology) was snubbed out of the same nomination in 1983 because the Academy considered using computer graphics "cheating." And now, TRON Legacy, one of the year's most visually stimulating movies gets the shaft. Not to mention, it lost in the categories of Art Direction, costumes, and music (more on that next)... but the most glaring snub is definitely the Visual Effecs. And lets look who it lost out too...

Alice in Wonderland: Stupid stupid stupid movie!!! But it did have really good effects, so I guess it earned a nomination for that.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Actually, this movie was really good... so well earned.

Hereafter: WTF!!! This movie had HORRIBLE special effects! They were just God Awful! What the Hell Academy!!!

Inception: This movie had great FX... actually probably the best of the year, neck and neck with TRON Legacy. Well deserved. I expect this one to win.

Iron Man 2: Well rendered effects in an entertaining movie... yet kind of meh when you get down to it. Doesn't tick me off as much as Hereafter, but I hope it doesn't win.

Well, TRON Legacy did AT LEAST get a nomination for Sound Editing... so that's something.

Daft Punk snubbed for Best Musical Score

- Actually, this one doesn't surprise me at all. The band, Daft Punk, did an all electronic musical score for TRON Legacy. Don't get me wrong, I totally think the movie's score should have been nominated, but the fact that an all electronic musical score wouldn't go down too well with the Academy wasn't unexpected in the slightest. Too bad.

Mila Kunis snubbed for Best Supporting Actress

- Not a huge surprise but a snub worth mentioning nonetheless. Maybe the fact that a girl best known for a goofy 70s themed sitcom or Meg on Family Guy wasn't exactly Oscar's favorite sort of performer had something to do with it. Its a bummer, since she did a really good job in her part, and probably put more heart and soul into such a challenging role than a lot of the nominated actresses this year.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World gets no nominations at all

- Its not just the fact that I'm a game geek that I've been supporting this movie... its the fact that its a really good movie. I'm not too surprised that it didn't get any nominations, but I thought it at least stood a chance with some of the technical categories. Between the creative cgi, cinematography, and sound design, there should have been at least some consideration. Plus, it had a good and insightful script and Edgar Wright, a really good director, far better than most of the movies released this year. Can't say I'm surprised it got overlooked, but a bummer nonetheless.

Kick Ass snubbed for Best Costumes

- I guess they weren't the most elaborate costumes, but similar to Watchmen getting snubbed out of this same category, I think Kick Ass should have been nominated. Sure, they were simple, but they fit the film quite well. Does the Academy only think of period piece costumes? They really need to broaden their tastes.

Gotta say, the Oscars left out some heavy hitters this year. Still, there were some good calls. Darren Aronofsky finally got nominated for Best Director. Christian Bale has been long overdue for a nomination, and he finally got it. Natalie Portman will probably win her Oscar! Plus, a lot of the year's best movies did get some well deserved nominations. I'll make my predictions later on another entry, but until then, there's lots to look forward too for the Oscars.

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